Payment exemption of certain fees by Property Card holders in village inhabited areas (Abadi areas).
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Notification No. G.29011/1/2020-REV Dated 21st April 2023 - Payment exemption of certain fees by Property Card holders in village inhabited areas (Abadi areas).
Department Updates
- Certificate of Transfer of Charge, F. Zirliana, Assistant Survey Officer, LR&S Department
- Syllabus for Compulsory Training to be undergone by Surveyors for seniority promotion to Surveyor-I under LR&S Department
- Certificate of Transfer of Charge, Ngurthansanga, Settlement Officer, LR&S, Aizawl North
- Appointment of Mrs. Lalhlimpuii Ralte, MCS as Nodal Officer for NAKSHA (NAtional geospatial Knowledge based land Survey of Urban HAbitation)
- Certificate of Transfer of Charge, Director, DLR&S